Fall has arrived in Yardley, PA, and it’s time to start preparing for the winter and colder weather. Make sure you schedule your fall furnace maintenance so that you don’t miss out on these five benefits.
1. Lower Energy Bills
Your system slowly collects small particles that flow through your air filter. These settle on your heat exchanger and circulating fan, slowing eroding your system’s efficiency and raising your utility costs. During your maintenance, a technician gently cleans these areas, removing the contaminants to keep optimal efficiency
2. Maintain Your Warranty
Most manufacturers stand behind their furnaces with a substantial warranty. However, they also know how important maintenance is to keep the system working properly.
As a result, they build professional routine maintenance into the terms of their warranty. If you decide to skip your maintenance, you may just find yourself without a warranty if a breakdown occurs.
3. Fewer Breakdowns
Maintenance helps minimize the number of furnace repairs in a system by maintaining efficiency and uncovering small problems early. Degraded efficiency leads to more strain on the system, causing parts to wear out prematurely. Likewise, small problems left unresolved also add strain, turning small repairs into larger, more expensive emergencies.
4. Improved Comfort
Airflow restrictions cause many efficiency issues, which also mean problems distributing air throughout your home. Air distribution problems lead to low airflow from your vents and cold spots, especially in areas further from the furnace. By cleaning the areas of the furnace that commonly collect contaminants, you ensure air flows evenly throughout the system.
5. Extended Service Life
The average furnace has a service life of 15 to 20 years when properly maintained. However, the strain from degraded efficiency and chronic problems may reduce that service life. Regular professional maintenance helps ensure your furnace will provide your family comfort longer.
Don’t cheat yourself out of these benefits you could enjoy all winter. Call to schedule your fall furnace maintenance with the experts at Service First Heating & Air Conditioning today.
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