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4 Ways to Increase HVAC Efficiency When Temperatures Rise in Richboro, PA

HVAC Efficiency in Richboro, PA

During the warmer months of the year, it can be difficult to keep your energy costs down in Richboro, PA. Consider these top four tips to reduce your energy costs without sacrificing your comfort.

1. Schedule Regular Maintenance

You need to schedule at least two maintenance appointments per year to keep your air conditioner running at optimal levels. By having a technician perform regular maintenance, you can discover issues that cause your air conditioner to work harder than it needs to in order to cool your home.

2. Find and Eliminate Refrigerant Leaks

The refrigerant in your air conditioner is what helps to keep your home cool with a comfortable amount of humidity. Warm and humid air enters through your air conditioner, and refrigerant helps to both cool the air that comes out of your air handler and get rid of excess humidity through evaporative effects. If your refrigerant is low, it means you have a leak somewhere.

3. Clean Out Clogged Filters

The warm air that enters your air conditioner and later turns into cool air first passes through a filter. If this filter is dirty, it can prevent warm air and humidity from entering your air conditioner.

This will cause your home to feel warm or hot, and your air conditioner will continually run in an effort to cool down your home. You need to clean your filters every month, or more if needed, and replace them at least once every three months.

4. Increase Your Airflow

The airflow in your home can affect the way your home cools down. Clear all furniture and other obstructions away from your vents to feel more cool air circulating in your home.

Help keep your energy costs down by contacting us at Service First Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule HVAC maintenance.

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