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4 Signs You Need a New Boiler Before Winter in Richboro, PA

New Boiler in Richboro, PA

Boilers can break down anytime, especially if you don’t notice subtle signs indicating a need for a replacement. The heating suddenly stops, and your home in Richboro, PA, runs out of warm water, which can be frustrating in the cold months. These are four signs that may indicate you need to invest in a new boiler.

1. System Takes Longer to Warm Up

If the radiators don’t heat up or your hot water tap takes longer than usual to run warm water, this could be a sign your boiler isn’t working correctly. A professional might be able to diagnose the issue, but it’s also possible that it’s simply beyond repair. If that’s the case, your professional will be able to recommend the best boiler for your home, not to mention they’ll be able to help with the installation process.

2. Regular Breakdowns

If your boiler breaks down every other month or even just several times in a year, it might be a good idea to install a new boiler. If regular repairs don’t improve the efficiency of your boiler, it could be time to replace it. You could put the money you spend on frequent repairs and buying replacement parts to better use by investing in a new boiler and save yourself the trouble of regular repairs.

3. Rising Energy Bills

Rising energy bills could indicate an inefficient boiler that requires replacement. An old boiler will gradually lose efficiency, leading to increased energy bills. If your boiler is old or otherwise inefficient, it may be time to replace it and save money on your energy bills.

4. Yellow Flame

If your boiler produces a yellow flame when burning, it can be a sign of leaking carbon monoxide. The odorless gas can be fatal in extreme situations, and some signs of carbon monoxide leaks may include headache, nausea, and fatigue. If the leakage is irreparable, an HVAC technician might recommend replacing the boiler.

When you notice these signs, it may be time to buy a new boiler for your home. When you have more time, you have the chance to research the best boiler for your home. Call Service First Heating & Air Conditioning today for professional HVAC maintenance and more information about replacing your boiler.

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