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3 Tips for Better Airflow in Newtown, PA

Airflow in Newtown, PA

Ensuring proper HVAC airflow is one of the key elements of a comfortable home this winter in Newtown, PA. Good airflow can also increase the effectiveness of your HVAC system and save you money on utilities. Here are three tips for better airflow so your home doesn’t get stuffy this season.

1. Switch Your Thermostat to “On” Mode

Digital thermostats offer their users two basic kinds of fan settings: “Auto” and “On.” In “Auto” mode, the thermostat only turns on the HVAC system’s fans when it heats or cools your home, using the fans to circulate the conditioned air throughout your home. In “On” mode, the fans are always on and circulating air.

If you want to increase the air circulation in your home, switching the thermostat to “On” mode can be helpful. However, leaving it on can use more energy over time, so you should use “On” mode only when needed.

2. Don’t Forget About Maintenance

Good airflow is critical to virtually every aspect of your HVAC system. It’s safe to say that if airflow improves, your HVAC system will function better, and the reverse is true as well: if your HVAC system starts to work better, airflow will probably improve.

For that reason, don’t neglect to schedule professional maintenance on your HVAC system. We recommend doing so at least twice per year.

3. Check Your Vents and Registers

A simple thing you can do is make sure that your HVAC system’s registers are open and that there is air flowing out of them. If air isn’t flowing normally and your filters are clean, you may have a problem requiring professional intervention.

As important as good airflow is, it’s fortunately not difficult to achieve and maintain. The most important thing is to let the pros handle the heavy lifting. Call Service First Heating & Air Conditioning in Newtown, PA, ask for our HVAC services and let our team help you.

Image provided by iStock

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